Seated Cable Row: Features, How-To, Tips

Seated Cable Row

Seated Cable Row is the exercise for pumping the spinal muscles. In the gym, not only men but also women, prefer to work out with free weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.) on “pieces of iron”: the design of the machine is clear even to beginners, therefore they do not raise questions about the execution technique. The machine, which allows you to perform traction of the lower block, loves the female half, because, being a tonic, it does not cause an increase in muscle volume, but only tightens and tone, which is what the athlete wants.

What Does Seated Row Target?

Seated cable row is the best exercise to increase the strength and power of the upper back. Performing his athlete “acquires” a thin waist and a V-shaped torso.

In this case, the following muscles work:

Seated Cable Row | Cable Row Exercise - Get Fitness and Lifestyle

  • the entire back is targeted;
  • rhomboid, lower and middle trapeziums, brachyradialis, extensors of the spine, brachialis, posterior deltas, small and large round, sternal head of the pectoralis major, infraspinatum (synergists);
  • long triceps heads and biceps (dynamic stabilizers);
  • gluteus maximus, hamstrings, (stabilizers).

Cable Rows Benefits

The benefits of stretching are listed below:

  • the spinal mass is strengthened;
  • straight back and beautiful posture;
  • slim waist;
  • the convenience of performance;
  • multivariance;
  • security.

Rows In A Cable Machine – Correct Technique

This is an easy supercompensation training, consider the technique step by step.

Preparatory step. Having set the V-bar as a handle on the machine, sit down with your feet on the front platform, and grasp the handles with your hands (reverse grip). Keep your back straight and arms outstretched. This is the starting position.

Step one. Pull the handles until they touch the stomach, keeping the body stationary, and exhale as soon as this part is completed. Hold the peak contraction for a couple of seconds, exhale, and return to the starting point.

Step Two Repeats do how many are set. To help athletes embarking on a lower block draft, a picture version is presented:

Rod of the lower block of the teznik run

Possible Seated Rows Options


We considered the classic option, but there are many other cable row variations:

  • traction with a rope handle;
  • one arm row;
  • wide handle with classic or reverse grip.

Draft of the lower block of variation

Machine Row Technique Tips

It would seem so simple that there can be no tips, but this is wrong.

There are several features of the exercise:

  • you need to squeeze the blades as much as possible, reaching the final point of the trajectory, holding them so for 1-2 seconds;
  • the legs should spring, so do not straighten them completely;
  • the case in the classic version is motionless, but there is another option, when it is carried forward by weight (stretched), then, coming back, it is compressed;
  • you need to pull the handle at the expense of the broadest muscles, and not the strength of the hands. To do this, pushing back the elbows, squeeze the shoulder blades;
  • return the weight to the starting point smoothly, without throwing;
  • during traction, the elbows are as close to the body as possible;
  • small cheating is allowed when working with significant weights (tilt back);
  • When training with heavy weights, use the straps by wrapping them with handles.

Features of the low row with a close and wide grip

More often for row low, they use a close grip, not a wide one. This is bad because the back receives a one-sided load, i.e. only the middle one is loaded: the emphasis is on the broadest muscles. Using a wide grip, it is shifted to the deltas by the back, top of the rhomboid/trapezius muscles. In this embodiment, the arms are parallel to the floor, and the chest muscles are pulled by the neck.

bench press makes it possible to work with large weights since the involved wings are much stronger than the rest of the back muscles. Consequently, she receives a greater stimulus to growth. But, for the development of the total back, different variations of the handles and grips are mandatory.

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